Be Vulnerable or Fail: Are You Connecting With Your Audience?

We’ve all heard it before - “stories are how we make sense of the world”. In media, storytelling is fundamental to connecting with your audience on an emotional level. As technology continues to advance and new platforms emerge, the way we tell stories will shift. I predict there will be a shift in media and more brands will lean into storytelling with emotionality and connectivity in a way that we’re not seeing currently. Let’s break down why this is so important for brands moving forward.

The Benefits of Evoking Emotionality and Connectivity

Studies show that emotionally charged stories are more likely to stick in someone's mind than those without emotionality or connectivity. When people feel connected to a brand’s story, they will be more likely to buy into their product or service because they feel like they know who they are buying from. Additionally, if you tell stories with emotionality and connectivity you will be able to reach more people since stories tend to resonate better with audiences than dry facts and figures do. Finally, connecting your story to something bigger than yourself (e.g., a cause) allows you to tap into an even larger market by appealing to people’s sense of morality or common beliefs/values.

The Power of Storytelling

Storytelling has been around since the beginning of time, but over the years storytelling has evolved to become especially important for brands looking to stand out from their competitors. Whether it’s through digital ads or social media posts, storytelling allows customers to form an emotional connection with your brand by conveying a message that goes beyond just your product or service offering. By creating content that people can relate to, you can tap into an audience’s emotions and build trust, helping to create a loyal customer base.

User Generated Content

User generated content (UGC) has become increasingly popular as more people use social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok on a daily basis. UGC is when customers post their own content featuring a brand's products or services. This type of content helps companies gain exposure while also building trust with their potential customers through real-life experiences shared by existing customers! Additionally, UGC can help build up personal relationships between companies and their followers which can lead to even stronger customer loyalty over time. However, user generated content isn't enough on its own if you want to build long-term relationships with customers; you must have engaging stories behind those visuals as well!


Overall, I believe that brands who focus on crafting stories that resonate with their audiences will be the ones who stand out above the rest in 2023 and beyond. Doing so allows you to tap into much larger markets by creating an emotional connection with your audience and connecting your story to something bigger than yourself (e.g., a cause). Yes user generated content will always exist moving forward, but the brands that see the most success and get loyal customers are going to be the ones that tell stories that people truly connect to – stories that evoke emotionality and provide meaningful connections between their brand and customers alike! With this approach to storytelling, marketers can help ensure sustained success for brands in today's ever-changing media landscape.  ​


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