Why You Should Be Making Searchable Content.

The internet is an ever-evolving medium, and video content is becoming increasingly important. However, just creating a video isn’t enough. In order to really make the most of your video content, you need to make sure that it’s searchable. Here’s how Chris Do of The Futur suggests making your video content more searchable.

Choose the Right Platform

The first step in creating searchable content is to choose the right platform for hosting your videos. YouTube or Vimeo are always great options because they are both powerful platforms that have strong search engine optimization (SEO) capabilities. This means that when people use a search engine to look for something related to your topic, your videos will be more likely to show up in the results. Plus, YouTube and Vimeo give you tools that let you optimize your titles, descriptions and tags so they can be found more easily by potential viewers.

Optimize Your Videos

In addition to choosing the right platform, optimizing your videos is key for making them more searchable. When it comes to SEO titles, descriptions and tags should all include keywords related to what people would search for when looking for videos like yours. For example, if you create a tutorial on how to paint with watercolors, then some of the keywords you might use could include “painting”, “watercolor” or “tutorials”. Additionally, if you create playlists around specific topics then these playlists can also help make your videos easier for people to find on YouTube or Vimeo.

Create Compelling Content

Once you have optimized your videos for SEO purposes, it’s time to focus on producing compelling content that will actually keep viewers engaged and coming back for more. To do this Chris Do recommends having clear goals for each video and creating engaging stories as part of those goals so viewers can connect with them emotionally as well as intellectually. You should also think about how each video fits into a larger narrative so viewers can keep coming back episode after episode if there are multiple parts in a series of videos. Finally, make sure you use visuals and audio effectively since these two elements play a huge role in keeping viewers interested in what they are watching!


Creating searchable video content doesn't have to be complicated; it just takes a bit of knowledge and effort on your part! By choosing the right platform such as YouTube or Vimeo, optimizing your titles, descriptions and tags with keywords related to what people would search for when looking for videos like yours and creating compelling content that connects with viewers emotionally as well as intellectually -you can increase both viewership and engagement with your videos! With these tips from Chris Do at The Futur you'll be able to make the most out of any type of video content!


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